Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Disruption of Classes but other student's

It is sad after we have woke up early and try so hard to attend especially the 1st lecture of the day and so sad for days scholars especially when you only had that class for the day. the unfortunate thing which happened through this strike disruption of classes had made it more difficult for every one even those who feel like there is nothing that they can do like foreign(international) student’s as well as Coloured student’s because my view of this rioting its only black South African student’s only.

It is disturbing because disruption had affected us negatively for instance in their first march they kick us out of the class the first lecture for that matter, secondly the most student who were in the library studying they end up being looked in inside because yes indeed the management were scared that they might vandalize the library so is everyone else thought as much.
What I was not able to understand is if the issue is about NSFAS then what does the University management has to do with that, because is not the one administrating NSFAS and the Pick and Pay vouchers. I then began to understand that this is not my frustration alone I am sharing the same sentiments with some student who miss their classes every time when there is this disruption of Classes.
But again, what will happen If the Varsity Managements’ take time to respond does it mean we will be like those high school student’s or patients in hospital whom are abandon, this a critical dilemma which is a double-sided sword, This is a metaphor. Something that is a "double-sided" or "double edged" sword is something that could be dangerous to both yourselves, as well as to your adversary; or both for your case and against it. This is now leaving with an unclear response on who is to be blamed?
However this is a crucial time for student’s to be disrupted either for tests classes or just ordinary lecture. My main question is still what makes it the less majority of the student and only Blacks students or maybe because the slogans and songs are typical other local language or what could be the genuine

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