Thursday, October 7, 2010

When the clock strikes midnight

As members of UWC community we belong to quite number of families around campus which keep our lives moving as we sustain our lives her in campus. Except being a student I am not some how involved with other thing like I am a proud member of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and here in campus we meet and worship, we call ourselves Anglican Student’s Society (ANSOC), as well as being involved with so many other activities be it socially, spiritually and otherwise.

Very recent on the 24th of September we had an Outreach @ Kensington old age Home where we clear the compound and there after se sat dawn and chat with the senior citizen it was such a nice experience.

As we are still imaging whether I be able to reach this age, and how will I look like? We did some of these activities to continuously employing our previous year conference theme like “Each one, Reach one and teach one. As we call our stricture a “home away from home”

But on the other hand we also give our self time for pleasure as we celebrate and do Farwell to our leavers that is for those students who are completing and now preparing to leave so we celebrate those memorable moments we spent together during the year.

This year we were celebrating our leaver’s gala dinner at CPUT Bellville Campus as we always do our activities together and this time we were celebrating under theme “When the clock strikes midnight….” And the dress code was formal with Black, Red and Green as the colour code for the occasion.
So it was a matter of you as an individual be guide by the theme, “When the clock strikes midnight….” What come to your mind, and as a leaver which direction are you taking, or as a student who is remaining what is first in your plan? 
There other people from outside as well as some of those who graduated and now alumni for ANSOC, and indeed it was fantastic

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